Wednesday, 2 January 2013

10 Important and Healthy Uses Of Papaya

Doctors counselling and advise is needed for Pregnant women and others who are allergic to Papayas before they try this. 

  1. INDIGESTION - Take a ripe papaya instead of breakfast to eliminate indigestion, flatulence, acidity and reduces increase in hunger or appetite.
  2. DIARRHOEA -  Eating Raw papaya helps cure Chronic diarrhoea
  3. SKIN CARE - Mash few pieces of ripe papaya and apply on skin like a pack an hour before bath. This reduces and eliminates freckles (light brown patches on skin), blemishes (marks) on skin. Applying juice of raw papaya on pimples helps reduce them.  Taking papaya regularly also gives a nice glowing skin.
  4. DANDRUFF - Massaging pulp of ripe papaya on the scalp reduces and eliminates dandruff.
  5. TONSILLITIS - To a glass of water add 2 to 3 spoons of ripe papaya juice and gargle. This helps cure tonsils.
  6. FOR NEW MOMS - Taking ripe papaya helps increase milk production. Raw papaya is also useful.
  7. MENSTRUAL ISSUES - Take papayas regularly to eliminate issues. Or dry papaya seeds and powder them and store them in dry airtight containers. Take a spoon of this powder and mix with a cup of water to eliminate issues.
  8. FEVER - Boil 10 papaya leaves along with 2 cups of water, then cool and strain the juice using a strainer or sieve and have it in equal intervals to get rid of fever.
  9. PILES - Taking ripe Papaya in noon times regularly helps to cure piles.
  10. WORMS - Add one spoon of ground seeds of Papaya to a cup of water (boiled and cooled) mix well and drink for 3 to 4 day. This helps get rid of worms. 

Meet you all with some more useful tips and useful infos!!!